Monday, January 24, 2011

More Great Photos...

Got a chance to work with a photographer in Alabama.  Her photos are awesome!  I am so glad that she gave me this opportunity to show off my hats and headbands!  Thank you Marsha!!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Another Great Photo!

Thank you so much to Little Pumpkins Photography for this super cute photo displaying the Madison flower headband in coral and Barley.

Monday, January 17, 2011

First Professional Photos of My Stuff!!! So awesome!

Such an amazing feeling to see my finished product!  All my hard work and late nights are paying off! Thank you so much to Jaquelyn Mchenry-Photography!!!

New to the whole blogging thing...

I have never blogged before so this is all new to me...  Finally I have found something that I love to do! I  want my children to be proud of their mother and I want to be more that just a cubicle rat.  So far all the effort and time I have put into starting my business has paid off!  The reaction I am getting from others is amazing and it makes me feel awesome.  It amazes me how quickly everything is starting to come together.  I have so many ideas  and not enough time in a day to get them all accomplished.  There will be many more great things to come from this creative brain!  I would like to have a whole line of animal/character hats.  If anyone has any suggestions please let me know.  I love my babies they are such an inspiration for me!